adderall kill

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An Adderall-induced all nighter. Consuming copious amounts of the prescription ADD/ADHD medication Adderall in order to stay up all night and accom
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adderall kill
Will Adderall kill me, and can I take it.
Sometimes I take adderall, I smoke weed with it, but at the dose I took (50mg XR) I I do it all the time. I cant stand adderall. But I take them for finals. As
Two questions about ADD medication, especially Adderall: 1) How dangerous is it (for me)? 2) Can it be taken 'as needed'?
09.08.2008 · Best Answer: You are playing with fire. Most drugs are metabolized in the liver and you are slowly destroying your liver. It apparently didn't kill you
Mixing Adderall and weed?
21.05.2008 · Best Answer: I've done it lots of times. However, if you have a bad heart it can CERTAINLY kill you. It makes your heart race like a mo'fo!!! Trying it
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